Sunday, October 11, 2015


Radicals protest, burn EU, U.S., NATO flags

Supporters of the Serb Radical Party (SRS) on Tuesday staged a protest in Belgrade when they burned flags of NATO, the EU, the United States, and Kosovo.

Source: Beta

The protest was held in front of the General Staff building in Belgrade that was destroyed in the NATO bombing that started this day 16 years ago.

Party leader Vojislav Seselj addressed those gathered to say that Serbia must never join either NATO or the EU, "although the treasonous regime of Aleksandar Vucic is working on it."

"We wished to symbolically mark (the anniversary of) the start of the aggression, and the regime banned the gathering. Vucic's regime is like a toothless witch, it would gladly bite, but has no teeth, so there are no policemen here today, while we were ready to be arrested and beaten," he said.

According to him, each regime that has been in power in Serbia after October 5, 2000, was in effect "NATO infantry that pillaged the country, and when they lost strength, NATO sent the Progressive traitors to finish what was started with the bombing."

Seselj was referring to the ruling Serb Progressive Party (SNS), now led by Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, that in 2008 split from the Radicals, who are currently not represented in parliament.

The SRS leader added that his party "will never accept the made-up independence of Kosovo":

"We will liberate Kosmet (Kosovo and Metohija) sooner or later, our army will be on the border with Albania. One day we will liberate the Republic of Serb Krajina (in Croatia), we will preserve at all costs the Serb Republic (in Bosnia), and will return Montenegro - taken away from the Serbdom by the West with the help of Milo Djukanovic - to a united Serb state," Seselj said.

His party deputy, Nemanja Sarovic, also spoke to say that by banning Tuesday's protests, Vucic's "treasonous regime" wished to remove "any trace of resistance to the new regime that the West wants to establish in Serbia."

"The fact that the Serbian government hired murderer and monster Tony Blair is a disgrace the Serbian people never saw before," said Sarovic, adding that the image of the ruins of the General Staff represented an image of Serbia "with its one million unemployed people and debt of 26 billion that is constantly growing."

Tanjug quoted Sarovic as saying that "the only way out" for the country was "in a radical change of policy and a u-turn towards Russia."

After the speeches, the rally's participants marched through the central Belgrade streets carrying party flags and flags of Serbia, Russia, and the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.

Supporters of the Serb Radical Party (SRS) on Tuesday March 24, 2015, staged a protest in Belgrade when they burned flags of NATO, the EU, the United States, and Kosovo.
Serbia: Watch anti-NATO protesters burn EU & US flags

Video Id:
Serbia: Watch anti-NATO protesters burn EU & US flags
Belgrade, Serbia
March 24, 2015, 15:59 (GMT)
Aspect Ratio
Russia, protest, usa, fire, Kosovo, Serbia, EU, NATO, Belgrade, demo, Serbian Radical Party

M/S Vojislav Seselj, leader of Serbian Radical party holding a burning NATO flag

M/S Burning flags of Kosovo, EU and US

W/S Burning flag of the USA

M/S Burning flag of the EU

M/S Burnt flags

C/U Burnt flags

SOT, Vojislav Seselj, leader of Serbian Radical party (in Serbian): "Wherever you see NATO soldiers, hit them with rocks, throw eggs on them, and rotten tomatoes. Let them always know that in Serbia they will never be welcomed."

W/S Protesters

M/S Men waving flags of Serbia and Russia in front of the ruined military headquarters

SOT, Vojislav Seselj, leader of Serbian Radical party (in Serbian): "Serbia belongs in an union with Russia and other friendly countries. Serbia belongs to the Russia-led military Alliance OKDB."

W/S People marching

C/U Flag of DPR

W/S Flags and banners

M/S Sing on the ground reading in Serbian "NATO is evil" with swastika sign

Anti-NATO protesters burnt the flags of NATO, EU, the USA and Kosovo during the '99 NATO bombing's anniversary in Belgrade, Tuesday.

The protesters, mostly belonging to the Serbian Radical Party, waved Russian flags and flags of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR/DNR) while chanting slogans against the Serbian government. After the rally in front of the ruins of the former Yugoslav Army Headquaters - destroyed by NATO during the bombing of Belgrade in 1999 - around 500 people marched towards Belgrade's city centre and ended their march on Republic's Square.

Vojislav Seselj, the leader of the Serbian Radical Party, urged protesters to attack NATO soldiers with rocks, eggs and tomatoes.

NATO started bombing former Yugoslavia on March 24, 1999, which lasted 78 days in total. The operation was not approved by the United Nations. Tuesday's protest was also a response to a deal signed by the Serbian government in Brussels earlier this month, enabling NATO to use Serbian military bases and the country's territory for transit.


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