Thursday, November 5, 2015


            I will post information about a child soldier from the Vostok Brigade whose norm de guerre is Stark from several internet sources:


15 year old Child Soldier Stark (November 5, 2014)
A Tale of Two Child Soldiers- Royce and Stark
Early in November, Russian state TV carried a report about two "underage soldiers" serving alongside separatists in the rebel stronghold of Donetsk. Both are called Andrey and are members of one of the most widely-known rebel units, the Vostok battalion. As is common among fighters in Ukraine, they have their own noms de guerre - Royce and Stark.

Royce leads a supply squad, while Stark is in charge of a munitions depot, official Rossiya 1 TV said. "Stark leaves his Kalashnikov behind only when he is on leave," it added.

The battalion's commanders were like fathers to the boys now, the report said. "We need more guys like them and we won't be afraid of enemies. They are the future generation," said one Vostok commander.

A disturbing feature of Phillips’ pictures was that some child soldiers are seen in some of them. Not just in his photos, but Russia’s state TV channel RTR ran a clip specifically on some child soldier volunteers there as well as RT’s Ruptly news agency which showed one 15-year-old training with Sut’Vremini there. Another perhaps just a bit older was identified as a Senior Lieutenant and posed for RTR on and inside a 2S19 MSTA-S self-propelled howitzer—the newest such kit in the Russian arsenal (though this one looked a bit worse for wear). He was shown going into his old school class in uniform to the admiration of his classmates. Chicks dig guys with AK-74s apparently. As most bizarre patch was seen on their uniforms and on a couple others in the photos. The bottom is the orange and black striped Russian victory ribbon (termed the Colorado ribbon by the Ukrainians after its similarity to the Colorado Potato Bug), while the top is a diagonally slashed mix of the Soviet flag and the black-yellow-white flag of the Romanov dynasty that is used widely by Russian nationalist groups. This apparently is the “I really don’t know what the hell I stand for” flag, but is fully in keeping with the Putin regime’s mixing of Soviet, tsarist, nationalist, and fascist elements. (PHOTO SOURCE:



Royce (left) and Stark (right) – two child soldiers of the Vostok Battalion shaking hands.

Royce (left) and Stark (right) – two child soldiers of the Vostok Battalion

Ukraine: See 15-yo train with Vostok Battalion in Donetsk
Published on Nov 5, 2014
Video ID: 20141105-011

M/S Andrew fires assault rifle
M/S Andrew standing with Vostok Battalion
M/S Andrew standing with Vostok Battalion
M/S Andrew loading assault rifle
M/S Fellow militants watching Andrew shooting
SOT, Andrew. 15 year old fighter for Vostok Battalion of DNR/DPR (in Russian): "I'm Andrew, codename "Mustar". I'm 15 years old. I serve in the Donetsk People's Republic and I want to connect my future with the army, to learn in the military academy."

Reporter: "And why did you decide to enter the self-defence?"

Andrew: "I want the Kiev army to leave."

Reporter: "Who are they for you?"

Andrew: “Fascists."
M/S Andrew training with battalion


At the age of 15, Andrew, a local boy from Donetsk is the youngest volunteer to train with the Vostok Battalion of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR/DPR). He was seen being put through his paces at a Vostok training centre in a Donetsk suburb, Wednesday.

The youngster codenamed "Mustar" said that he volunteered with the Vostok Battalion in order to defend Donetsk from Kiev "fascists." The boy's parents say they are proud of his decision, although the Vostok Battalion's instructor insists that he will not go into battle until he is "physically and emotionally ready."


Andrew (Stark) wants to be a fighter. Photo: G. Phillips

Дети на войне: в Донбассе террористы набирают и тренируют подростков
Психологи говорят, что воюющие дети становятся "адреналинозависимыми" и перестают адекватно воспринимать реальность

Террористы в Донбассе вербуют в свои ряды подростков — парней 15—17 лет. В интернет попало видеоинтервью ребят из Донецка, которые заявили, что им 15 лет и они являются бойцами террористической бригады "Восток".

"Я патриот, и у меня страх смерти на втором плане, на первом — страх за родину", — сообщил один из них, с позывным "Ройс". Он также добавил, что был членом Донецкого военно-патриотического клуба, как и другие его юные собратья по оружию.
На днях британский журналист Грэм Филлипс рассказал о еще одном юном бойце. Филлипс разместил фото 15-летнего мальчика у себя на странице в соцсети и подписал: "Это Андрей. Ему 15 лет. Он присоединился к батальону "Восток" по собственному желанию, чтобы "бороться с фашизмом". Но вряд ли в настоящее время будет принимать участие в активных военных действиях".

Представители так называемой "ДНР" уверяют, что мальчишки приходят к ним сами. "Мы отправляем их в тренировочные лагеря, они там проходят курс молодого бойца. На передовую мы их пока не пускаем, — сообщил один из боевиков. — Больше всего новобранцев в отряде у "Моторолы" (россиянина Арсения Павлова. — Авт.), там есть те, кому еще не исполнилось 17 лет".

Почти каждый вечер из донецких лесопосадок и с территорий закрытых шахт на окраинах доносятся характерные звуки автоматных очередей — там находятся тренировочные базы боевиков.

"Возле моего дома — база "Востока", но я никогда не видел среди боевиков детей. Есть парни около 20 лет, — поделился с "Сегодня" житель Киевского района Сергей. — Думаю, боевикам на руку говорить, что за них воюют дети — это, наверное, должно показать, какие они крутые и правильные. Но какие мозги сейчас у 15-летних?"

"Адреналинозависимые" дети

Психологи считают, что воюющие дети становятся "адреналинозависимыми" и это все губительно для них.

"Находиться зоне военный действий — стресс для любого организма, истощение внутренних резервов, ведь ребенок постоянно находится на эмоциональном и психическом пике. Это может привести к необратимым последствиям. Дети привыкают к бурлящему адреналину в крови, перестают распознавать опасность — и вырастают в наемников, переезжающих с одной войны на другую, чтобы постоянно подпитываться своим и чужим страхом".

Молодые бойцы воюют и с украинской стороны. Так, вчера во время боя возле донецкого аэропорта погиб 18-летний доброволец из Сум Сергей Табола, позывной "Север". 16 декабря Сергею должно было исполниться 19 лет.

Children at War: in Donbass terrorists recruit and train teenagers
Psychologists say that children become combatants "adrenalinozavisimymi" and cease to perceive reality 

Terrorists in the Donbass recruit into their ranks teenagers - boys 15-17 years. The Internet got video interview the guys from Donetsk, who said they had 15 years and they are fighters of the terrorist gang "Vostok". 

"I am a patriot, and I have a fear of death in the background, on the ground - fear for their country," - said one of them, with the call sign "Royce". He also added that he was a member of the Donetsk military-patriotic club, like his other young brothers in arms. 

A few days ago a British journalist Graham Phillips told about another young fighter. Phillips posted a photo of 15-year-old boy on the page in the social network and signed: "This is Andrew. He was 15 years old. He joined the battalion" Vostok "on their own" to fight fascism. "But it is unlikely at the moment is to take active part in the hostilities. " 

Representatives of the so-called "DNR" assure that the boys come to them yourself. "We send them to training camps, they're undergoing a young soldier. At best, we do not let them yet - said one of the militants. - Most of the recruits in the unit at the" Motorola "(Russians Arseny Pavlova. - Ed.), There there are those who have not yet turned 17 years old. " 

Almost every evening from Donetsk plantations and areas with abandoned mines on the outskirts hear the characteristic sounds of gunfire - there are militant training bases. 

"Near my home - base" of the East ", but I've never seen among the militants children.
 There are guys about 20 years - shared with" Today "a resident of Kiev region Sergey. - I think, into the hands of the militants say that they are fighting for the children - it probably has to show what they're cool and correct. But what brains now 15-year-old? " 

"Adrenalinozavisimye" children
Psychologists believe that children become combatants "adrenalinozavisimymi" and all these things detrimental to them. 

"Being a war zone - any organism to stress, exhaustion of internal reserves, because the child is constantly on the emotional and mental peak. This can lead to irreversible consequences. Children get used to the bustling adrenaline, cease to recognize the danger - and grow into mercenaries who move from one war to another to constantly nourished his and others' fear. " 

Young men are fighting and the Ukrainian side. So, yesterday, during a battle near Donetsk airport killed 18-year-old volunteer from Sumy Sergey Tabola, call the "North". December 16, Sergei was about to turn 19 years old. 

15 year old soldier with Russians in Donetsk

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