Wednesday, December 16, 2015


I, the warrior of Novorossiya Armed Forces, do take the oath and solemnly swear to be an honest, brave, discipline and vigilant warrior. Strictly keep military secrets, unquestioningly follow the laws of military regulations and orders of commanders and superiors. I do swear that I will be serving honestly and according to conscience sacredly cherish the high title of soldier which is granted to me by my people. I do swear to protect the freedom of Novorossiya and all Russia land, with all my strength, courage, skills, with dignity and honor, not sparing my blood and my very life to achieve complete victory over the enemy. And if I ever break this solemn oath taken by me, let the severe punishment of our laws fall on me, as well as hatred and contempt of working people and my brothers in arms. 

The revolutionary Ghost Brigade of Novorossiya.

Prizrak Brigade
Бригада «ÐŸÑ€Ð¸Ð·Ñ€Ð°Ðº» meaning "Ghost Brigade"

The combat banner of the Ghost Brigade of the United Armed Forces of Novorossiya.
Service sleeve insignia of the Prizrak Battalion
Since April 2014
  • Lugansk People's Republic
Infantry Brigade
about 3,000 troops
Part of
United Armed Forces of Novorossiya
Ghost Brigade
Yuri Shevchenko

The "Prizrak" Brigade (in Russian Бригада «ÐŸÑ€Ð¸Ð·Ñ€Ð°Ðº») meaning "Ghost Brigade" formerly commanded by Aleksey Mozgovoy, is an infantry unit of the Lugansk People's Republic. The full name of the Brigade is Mechanized Brigade Prizrak.


The unit was established in late 2014 after pro-Russian protesters occupied the RSA buildings in Luhansk. It began as a platoon sized unit, but in August 2014 it became a battalion as the number of fighters grew to 1,000. The commander of the Brigade Aleksey Mozgovoy claimed in late December 2014 to have up to 3,000 fighters. Mozgovoi was killed in an IED and gun attack 23 May 2015 along with a number of his bodyguards although survived a similar ambush 2 months prior to his death. A supposed covert Ukrainian military unit named "shadows" claimed both attacks however the two incidents appears to be their only active engagements throughout the conflict which fueled a number of theories including Russian involvement.

The stated goal of prizrak is to be both a military combat unit as well as socialist political organisation which would make them the only military unit operating within the structures of Luhansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic (Novorossian Armed Forces) that have a dual objective. Membership of prizrak comprises primarily of east Ukrainians and Russian nationals however due to their political ethos the unit does draw in a number of western nationals from Spain, France, Germany, United States, Brazil, and the UK. Primary military activities include battlefield reconnaissance, sabotage, covert assault, and other intelligence activities. Political activities include promotion of socialist policy, electoral promotion activities, social care projects primarily in Luhansk.

Notable military operations

The Battle for Debaltsevo prizrak units conducted reconnaissance missions which included landmine clearance for main assault forces corrective artillery information and anti armour activities.

Soldiers of the Prizrak Brigade marching for the oath taking on September 9, 2014.

Alexei Mozgovoy and his Prizrak Brigade


Soldiers of the Prizrak Brigade lined up for the oath taking on September 9, 2014.

Alexei Mozgovoy speaks to Yuri Shevchenko
[eng subs] Militia brigade "Ghost" takes oath to Novorossia 09/09/14


[eng subs] Alexei Mozgovoi speech at the banner award ceremony 16/12/14
Published on Dec 18, 2014
[eng subs] Alexei Mozgovoi speech at the banner award ceremony for the Alexandr Nevsky separate battalion of the "Ghost" brigade 16/12/14


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