Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Negative Attitude of Russians to US Policies Hits New Record High
Over 70 percent of Russians have a negative view of the US in international policies. 4 percent believe Washington’s approach is positive.

14 October 2015

The recent research conducted by the independent polling organization the Levada Center has shown that 71 percent of the Russians believe that the United States currently plays a negative role in the world.

Back then 53 percent of Russians said that they were against the United States’ international politics and 12 percent assessed it in positive way. 29 percent of responders believe relations between the US and Russia could be described as hostile. 45 percent believe the situation is tense. In turn. 4 percent stated that the relations are “calm and normal” and under 1 percent said they are “neighborly and good.”

Обращение к ООН//Call to UN
Published on Feb 8, 2016
Обращение Дочерей Офицеров к ООН с призывом остановить агрессивную политику Барака Обамы и его администрации. Девушки напоминают о последствиях вмешательства США во внутреннюю политику других государств, о недавних событиях в Ливии и Сирии, а также подчеркивают важность выполнения Советом Безопасности своего предназначения - сохранения мира и безопасности на Земле.

Appeal of the Officers' Daughters to UN stop the aggressive policy of Barack Obama and his administration. Girls are reminding of the consequences of the USA intervention in the internal affairs of other states, the recent to overthrow developments in Libya and Syria, as well as accentuating the importance of implementing Security Council its purpose - to maintain of peace and security in the world.

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