Tuesday, March 8, 2016


            In loving memory of two girls, Лину Кузину and Елену Лещенко (Lena Kuzina and Elena Leshchenko) who were murdered on 8 March 2015, I will post information about the first death sentence imposed in the DPR.

Supreme Court of the DPR sentenced to the death penalty
On: December 16, 2015

On 4th December 2015 the Supreme Court of the DPR sentenced to death penalty Anatoliy Yakubenko, sign call Valuy.

Anatoliy Yakubenko 1987 year of birth was named in a case of double murder of citizens of Donetsk who were women of 1990 and 1992 year of birth.

When the criminal committed the crime, he was hiding until he was caught in April 2015. The investigation was more than 7 months, all the facts proved the blame of the person on trial, all the evidences were observed, it was revealed in time of the investigation that Yakubenko was involved in the range of other crimes.

Yakubenko confessed his blame partially, and his lawyer asked for two years of conditional sentence, having pointed out that the criminal entered ranges of the militia, that he started protecting motherland, exactly Cossack regiment and that he has small child. The court looked into this matter for a long time and it sentenced him to the supreme penalty.

Be reminded that the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Aleksandr Zaharchenko ordered in 2014 to implement death penalty in military times for such crimes.

Unfortunately, not all people took weapon with a sense of duty and patriotism to the motherland. In order to prevent possible similar crimes, court of the DPR sentenced to the death penalty, and it would improve reputation of the Cossack regiment and DPR Army in general, these crimes are on conscience of this criminal.

Our condolences to relatives of perished people by hands of this criminal…..

In loving memory…..

Female Murdered Victims of Novorossiya

Боевику, который застрелил в Донецке двух девушек, грозит смертная казнь
Gunman who shot two girls in Donetsk, facing the death penalty


На днях состоялось первое заседание т.н. "Верховного суда ДНР" по трагедии в поселке Ларино (пригород Донецка), которая случилась 8 марта. В тот день выстрелами из пистолета в голову были убиты 23-летние подруги Лина Кузина и Елена Лещенко. Местное следствие установило причастность к преступлению одного из бойцов вооруженного формирования – казачий союз "Область войска Донского".

The other day, the first meeting of the so-called "Supreme Court of the DNR" on the tragedy in the village of Larino (suburb of Donetsk), which occurred on March 8. On the day of the shot gun 23-year-old girlfriend Lena Kuzina and Elena Leshchenko were killed in the head. Local investigators determined involvement in the crime of one of the fighters armed group - Cossack Union "Area of ​​the Don."

Накануне трагедии казаки распивали спиртное и палили в воздух, а 8 марта они пригласили двух девушек отметить Международный женский день.

On the eve of the tragedy of the Cossacks drank alcohol and were firing into the air, and on March 8, they invited the two girls to celebrate the International Women's Day.

Как рассказал начальник следственного управления "генеральной прокуратуры ДНР" Роман Белоус, один из подвыпивших мужчин предложил подругам вступить с ним в половую связь. И получил отказ. "У казака был автоматический пистолет Стечкина. Он выстрелил очередью в область головы каждой из девушек. А когда они упали, сделал еще и по контрольному выстрелу".

As the chief of the Investigative Department "General Prosecutor DNI" Roman Belous, one of the drunken men offered her friends to join him in a sexual relationship. And he was refused. "There was a Cossack Stechkin automatic pistol. He shot burst on the head of each of the girls. And when they have fallen, and took another control shot".

Подсудимый Анатолий (так зовут "казака") утверждает, что хотел попугать приглашенных на природу девушек, постреляв возле них в воздух. Умысла на убийство не имел, просто в состоянии алкогольного опьянения дрогнула рука, и он случайно попал.

"Мы считаем его показания несостоятельными. Есть показания свидетелей и результаты экспертиз. Когда производится такое количество выстрелов (а не один какой-то случайный), то это – явно умысел на убийство", – комментирует Белоус.

The defendant, Anatoly (the so-called "Cossack") states that wanted to scare the guests on the nature of women, to shoot in the air around them. Intent to kill was not just drunk hand trembled, and he accidentally hit.

"We believe his testimony insolvent there witnesses and the results of examinations performed when a number of shots (rather than one some random), it is -.. Is clearly intent on murder", - says Bilous.

По статье 106 "УК ДНР" (убийство) "казаку" грозит смертная казнь или пожизненное заключение, и "военные заслуги не спасут".

По данным "генеральной прокуратуры ДНР", лица, состоявшие на службе в Казачьем союзе "Область войска Донского", выдавали себя за "ополченцев".

"Они ходили в форме с огнестрельным оружием, но активного участия в боевых действиях не принимали. Занимались разбоями, грабежами, отжимали имущество. Заявлений об их похождениях – масса. После зачистки Казачьего союза часть его бойцов арестовали за совершенные преступления (их расследование продолжается), а других объявили в розыск. Некоторые члены вооруженного формирования скрываются в РФ".
Автор: Марина Сидельникова    04.11.15 10:26   

According to Article 106 of the "Criminal DNR" (murder) "Cossack" could face the death penalty or life imprisonment, and "Military Merit will not be saved."

According to the "Prosecutor General's Office DNI", persons who were serving in Cossack Union "Area of ​​the Don", posing as "militias".

"They went in the form of firearms, but an active part in the hostilities did not accept engaged in robbery, looting, squeezed property declarations of their adventures -.. Mass After stripping Cossack Union of his men were arrested for their crimes (their investigation is continuing). while others declared wanted. Some members of the armed group hiding in the Russian Federation. " 

Author: Marina Sidelnikov 04/11/15 10:26

In DND announced the details of the first death sentence

Lyudmila Strateychuk
The first ever self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) death sentence is not yet executed, said the acting President of the military Tribunal DNR Lyudmila Strateychuk. About it reports on Friday, February 12, the Donetsk news Agency.

"Death sentence is currently executed against him [the convict] investigated several criminal cases. In addition, Chapter DND may decide to pardon," said she.

According to the judge, the verdict against a citizen who was part of an organized gang and "engaged in violence and murders". Stratychuk noted that it was proved the defendant committing two murders civilians, vandalism, and other crimes: illegal acquisition and carrying of weapons.

Earlier on Friday, Strateychuk reported, that DNR issued the first in the history of the Republic the death sentence.

She also noted that the military Tribunal DNR has reviewed the two criminal cases, defendants are soldiers of the Republic, more than 40 are still in production.

The penal code stipulates the death penalty that was adopted in the DPR in August 2014. Carried out the sentence by firing squad. The humanization of the criminal code, the government promised to do at the end of the armed conflict in the Donbass.

The head of the DND Alexander Zakharchenko clarified that the code was laid down legislative base of the Russian Federation and the death penalty here provides for a particularly serious crime (in Russia since 1997 there has been a moratorium on the death penalty, but its concept is preserved in national legislation — approx. "The tape.ru"). In particular, the execution may not be sentenced women, minors and men older than 60 years. The pardon the penalty can be replaced by life imprisonment or imprisonment for 25 years.

Court of So-Called Donetsk People's Republic Issues First Official Death Penalty
The Court of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) has given out the first death penalty in the self-proclaimed republic. As reported by Interfax on Friday, February 12th, the ruling was made by Lyudmila Strateychuk, Judge of the Supreme Court of the so-called DPR and acting Chair of the Court Martial.

She did not specify who was subjected to the exceptional penalty of capital punishment. “There are cases under consideration and they also may result in such a penalty. These are murder and spying cases,” Strateychuk stated.

The Judge noted that the Court Martial of the self-declared Republic has considered two criminal cases in which military personnel of the so-called DPR were involved, and more than 40 others are currently in proceedings.

The Criminal Code allowing the death penalty was adopted by the so-called DPR in August 2014. The death sentence will be carried out by a firing squad. The authorities promised to humanize the Criminal Code once the military conflict in the Donbas is over.

“The people’s demand is the prevention of criminal activities. For this purpose we should take radical measures that would be based on legal provisions,” as was stated by the Deputy Prime-Minister, Vladimir Antyufeev (who was removed from his position on September 2014).

The head of the so-called DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, specified that the Code was based on the Russian legislative code and the death penalty is adopted here for especially harsh crimes (Since 1997 there has been a moratorium of the death penalty in Russia, however, its notion still remains in the national legislation — ed. Lenta.ru). In particular, women, minors and men over 60 cannot be sentenced to death by firing squad. As a pardon, the penalty may be commuted to a life sentence or a prison term of 25 years.

Donbas militants could sentence Ukrainian hostages to death for ’spying’
15.02.16 | Halya Coynash

Анатолий Якубенко
Anatoliy Yakubenko

The first official ‘death penalty’ in the so-called ‘Donetsk people’s republic’ [‘DNR’]  was announced on Feb 12.  This follows new seizures of civilians, such as 60-year-old academic Ihor Kozlovsky and assertions that the Kremlin-backed militants are not holding hostages, only people accused of ‘crimes’ who could face the death penalty.  The information also comes 18 months after the first report that the militants had imposed the death penalty, numerous admissions of extrajudicial executions, as well as a video of the first ‘tribunal’ (by Luhansk militants) which passed such a death sentence’ through a show of hands. 

Lyudmila Strateychuk, described as the acting head of the military tribunal and simultaneously judge of the ‘DNR Supreme Court’, reported the sentence at a press conference on Friday.  The sentence was passed on Anatoly Yakubenko in December 2015, but has not yet been carried out.  She says that he could be pardoned by the leader of DNR [Alexander Zakharchenko], while another Russian source quotes Edward Yakubovsky, described as the president of the DNR Supreme Court, as saying that Yakubenko has appealed against the sentence. 

The man is accused of having been part of a gang within a Cossack union called “Oblast of Donetsk troops’.  Yakubenko is alleged to have shot dead 2 23-year-old women on March 8, 2015, after the women refused to have sex with him.

Yakubenko’s trial appears to have been fairly open and the charges against him are very serious.  The death penalty was abolished in Ukraine in 2000 after the Constitutional Court found it to be in breach of Ukraine’s Constitution, but this would not be the first time that the militants are demonstrating contempt for Ukrainian legislation. 

Even more chilling is other information reported by Russian Interfax.  That quotes Strateychuk as saying that other cases are currently under consideration, and are over murders or ‘spying’. 

Why now?

In fact, the first question should really be: what is understood by ‘spying’?  Just days ago, Darya Morozova, the ‘DNR human rights ombudsperson’, was reported to have claimed that the militants are not holding any civilians nor anybody illegally.  She asserted that all those in custody are ‘under investigation’, and could be sentenced to death. 

This could easily include volunteer coordinator Marina Cherenkova and Ihor Kozlovsky, a renowned religious specialist, both of whom were seized in late January this year.  Prominent DNR militant Alexander Khodokovsky is reported to have asserted that Kozlovsky, who is a much respected academic, could have been involved in “destabilizing the situation” and had “multiple contacts with various organizations in Ukraine engaged in destructive activities here”.

Morozova was commenting on the so-called 30-year ‘sentence’ passed on Yevhen Chudnetsov, a Ukrainian soldier from the Azov regiment who was captured in February 2015.  It is unclear when he was ‘sentenced’ and for what exactly, but there is a video which was widely shown on all Russian propaganda channels from soon after his capture, Chudnetsov has clearly been badly beaten.  Judging by the bizarre testimony and claims he makes, he has almost certainly also been subjected to torture and threatened.

DNR first announced the introduction of the death penalty (based on the 1961 Soviet criminal code) and a military tribunal back in August 2014.  More detail was provided of the so-called ‘military courts’ in November of that year.  There was a long list of offences to be tried, including insubordination, ‘state treason’, ‘spying’ and ‘desertion’, as well as looting, robbery, etc. 

There was no information about the laws which were to apply and whether those administering them were in any way competent to do so.  Lack of confidence was justified given the ‘first people’s court of Novorossiya’ in October 2010, where an individual was sentenced to death on a show of hands after a woman claimed that the ‘defendant’ had raped her.

There were also strong grounds for believing that ‘desertion’, as well as what the militants deemed to be ‘spying’ or ‘state treason’ would be deemed capital offences.   Svitlana Matushko, for example,  recounted how she was held in a death row cell for seven days on the basis of an absurd denunciation and a search of her home which found Ukrainian flags and symbols. 

Igor Girkin, the former Russian military intelligence officer, who held one of the main posts in DNR until shortly after the Malaysian airliner MH17 was brought down over militant-controlled territory, recently admitted to having carried out ‘executions’ while in control.  During the interview given to Komsomolskaya Pravda, Girkin admitted only to executing ‘looters’, however his senior aide Igor Druz had confirmed such executions to the BBC back in August 2014.  Druz then said that the militants had killed a number of people “to prevent chaos”.   Plenty of evidence was found in Sloviansk confirming that extrajudicial executions had taken place.

Gazeta.ru reports that its source within DNR says that “during the first months of the war in the republics up to 150 death sentences were carried out”.  

The Minsk agreements to which Russia and the militants in Donbas are parties oblige both sides to exchange prisoners on an all for all basis.  Not only is this not happening, but new hostages have been seized.  There are currently at least 136 people held prisoner by the militants in both ‘republics’ with many of these civilians.  As well as Cherenkova and Kozlovsky, people who tried to visit relatives in Donetsk are reported to have been seized as ‘suspicious’.

It seems likely that they could be charged with ‘spying’.    

see also:
Kremlin-backed Donbas militants threaten to execute Ukrainian prisoners
Praised on Russian radio for war crimes in Crimea & Donbas
Sloviansk torture, killings, execution orders, yet still no proper investigation
Families of murdered hostages demand proper investigation
Murdered in Slovyansk
US journalist released, others still held hostage in Slovyansk
Donbas: abductions continue as Horlivka politician found murdered
Two journalists still held captive by Slovyansk militants
More and more abductions in annexed Crimea
Russian troops storm Belbek airbase, arrest Commander Yuliy Mamchur

Анатолий Якубенко
Anatoliy Yakubenko

В ДНР рассказали о преступлениях приговоренного к смерти
12 февраля 2016, 17:36
Председатель верховного суда ДНР Эдуард Якубовский рассказал газете ВЗГЛЯД, что первый подсудимый, которому был вынесен смертный приговор, – это житель Донецка моложе 30 лет.

«Осужденный обвиняется в бандитизме, убийствах, а также в незаконном хранении оружия, боеприпасов и других [преступлениях]. В свое время был участником такой организации, как казачий союз «Область войска Донского». В составе этой организации возникла банда. Если часть участников «союза» реально участвовали в защите республики, то эти бандиты занимались убийствами и другими тяжкими преступлениями. Он выполнял отведенные ему роли в этой банде, лично совершил два убийства, - причем женщин, которые не имели никакого отношения ни к банде, ни к «украм». Преступление произошло в самом Донецке. Кроме того, он скрывал следы преступлений», - перечислил глава верховного суда.

«Теперь осужденный обратился с жалобой в порядке надзора, так что шанс у него еще есть. Сейчас другие судьи изучают приговор и дело. Будет сделан вывод о том, подлежит ли эта жалоба удовлетворению. Кроме того, у него есть возможность обратиться к главе республики с просьбой о помиловании», - напомнил Якубовский.

Напомним, в ДНР действует уголовный кодекс Украинской ССР 1961 года, допускающий смертную казнь через расстрел.

Ранее в пятницу стало известно, что в провозглашенной Донецкой народной республике (ДНР) один человек приговорен к исключительной мере наказания – смертной казни.

Лина и Лена в красном платье (слева направо) в компании друзей в ночном клубе. Фото: из личного архива Лины Кузиной
Lina and Lena in a red dress (left to right) in the company of friends in a nightclub. The photo is a personal archive of Lina’s cousin.

The DNI was told about the crimes was sentenced to death
February 12, 2016, 17:36
Chairman of the Supreme Court of the DNI Edward Jakubowski told the newspaper VIEW, the first defendant, who was sentenced to death - is a resident of Donetsk under the age of 30 years.

"The convict accused of banditry, murder, and illegal possession of weapons, ammunition and other [crimes]. At one time, he was a member of an organization such as the Cossack Union "troops of the Don." As a part of this organization arose gang. If part of the participants of the "Union" actually participated in the defense of the republic, these gangsters involved murder and other serious crimes. He performed the role assigned to it in this gang, personally committed two murders - and the women who had nothing to do with a gang, or a "ukram". The crime occurred in the Donetsk. In addition, it hides the traces of crime, "- he listed the head of the Supreme Court.

"Now the convict appealed in the order of supervision, so that the chance he still has. Now the other judges are studying the verdict and the case. the conclusion will be made whether or not the complaint is subject to the satisfaction. In addition, he has the opportunity to appeal to the head of the republic with a request for pardon "- recalled Jakubowski.

Recall that in the DNI the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR, 1961, allowing for the death penalty by firing squad.

Earlier on Friday it became known that proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) one person sentenced to capital punishment - the death penalty.

Лена и Лина (слева направо) были неразлучными подругами с 5-го класса. Фото: из личного архива Лины Кузиной.
Lena and Lena (left to right) have been inseparable friends since the 5th grade. Photo: from the personal archive of Lina's cousin.

Первым приговоренным к казни в ДНР стал убийца двух девушек
First sentenced to death in the NPT has become the killer of two girls

February 12, 2016, 19:42
Photo: Frame from the video
Text: Yuri Zaynashev

Верховный суд провозглашенной ДНР вынес первый смертный приговор. К расстрелу приговорен участник казачьего союза «Область войска Донского», обвиняемый в убийстве двух девушек в Донецке, а также изнасилованиях и бандитизме. Донецкие эксперты назвали приговор ошибкой – с политической точки зрения.

В провозглашенной Донецкой народной республике (ДНР) один человек приговорен к исключительной мере наказания – смертной казни, сообщила в пятницу судья Верховного суда ДНР, и. о. председателя трибунала республики Людмила Стратейчук. 

«На сегодняшний день один приговор такой уже был вынесен. Есть дела, которые находятся на рассмотрении, и они также предусматривают такую меру наказания. Это дела об убийствах и шпионаже», – сказала Стратейчук, отчитываясь о работе трибунала. 

«Донецкое агентство новостей» позднее уточнило, что первым приговоренным к расстрелу оказался Анатолий Якубенко, который обвиняется в бандитизме, убийствах, изнасиловании, а также в незаконном приобретении и хранении оружия и боеприпасов, хулиганстве. В отношении него расследуется еще несколько уголовных дел. «Эти девушки не имели никакого отношения к военной службе или каким-либо сопротивлениям, связанным с боевыми действиями», – цитировало агентство Стратейчук. 

Как уточнил в пятницу «МК», в праздничный вечер 8 марта прошлого года Якубенко выстрелами из пистолета Стечкина убил двух девушек, Елену Лещенко и Лину Кузину – им было по 23 года. Их тела обнаружили в поле рядом с поселком Ларино – сообщалось, что они отмечали праздник с казаками в местном кафе. Когда казаки предложили девушкам заняться любовью и те отказались, началась расправа. Якубенко выстрелил в них несколько раз – причем сделал контрольные выстрелы в голову. 

Дело Якубенко верховный суд республики начал рассматривать 13 октября. Председатель верховного суда Эдуард Якубовский рассказал газете ВЗГЛЯД, что Якубенко в свое время был участником такой организации, как казачий союз «Область войска Донского». «В составе этой организации возникла банда. Если часть участников «союза» реально участвовали в защите республики, то эти бандиты занимались убийствами и другими тяжкими преступлениями. Он выполнял отведенные ему роли в этой банде, лично совершил два убийства – причем женщин, которые не имели никакого отношения ни к банде, ни к «украм». Кроме того, он скрывал следы преступлений», – перечислил глава верховного суда. 

Как сообщается, 28-летний Анатолий Якубенко – уроженец Макеевки. Закончил Макеевское горное училище. Был судим. Два года назад вступил в «Область войска Донского», которым руководил атаман Юрий Сафоненко, получив позывной «Валуй». Правда, на суде сам Якубенко сообщил, что подал рапорт об увольнении из союза еще до описываемых событий.
«Теперь осужденный обратился с жалобой в порядке надзора, так что шанс у него еще есть. Сейчас другие судьи изучают приговор и дело. Будет сделан вывод о том, подлежит ли эта жалоба удовлетворению. Кроме того, у него есть возможность обратиться к главе республики с просьбой о помиловании», – напомнил Якубовский. Он также опроверг слухи о том, что дело рассматривал трибунал, а не обычный гражданский суд. «Людмила Стратейчук участвовала в рассмотрении этого дела как судья верховного суда, еще не являясь главой трибунала», – пояснил глава суда. 

Ранее Людмила Стратейчук работала в апелляционном суде Донецкой области. Как сообщал украинский портал «Новости Донбасса», в ноябре секция высшего совета юстиции по вопросам назначения судей на должности и освобождения их от должностей рекомендовала Высшей квалификационной комиссии судей Украины уволить ее «за нарушение присяги».
Напомним, в ДНР фактически действует Уголовный кодекс Украинской ССР 1961 года, допускающий смертную казнь через расстрел. Он был принят в республике в августе 2014 года. Казнь не применяется к несовершеннолетним лицам, лицам, достигшим 65 лет на момент вынесения приговора, а также женщинам. Гуманизацией Уголовного кодекса власти обещали заняться по окончании конфликта. Кроме того, в ДНР по сей день действует военное положение. 

«Требование народа – пресечь преступную деятельность. Для этого необходимо принимать радикальные меры, которые основывались бы на юридических положениях», – заявлял тогда вице-премьер Владимир Антюфеев (был снят с должности в сентябре 2014-го). 

Уполномоченная по правам человека ДНР Дарья Морозова, узнав от репортера газеты ВЗГЛЯД про смертный приговор, вообще не поверила этому сообщению и назвала его «фейком». 

Киев получил «козырь против нас»
Бывший председатель парламента ДНР, основатель движения «Донецкая республика» Андрей Пургин счел решение судей ошибочным с политической точки зрения. 

«Я сам сторонник казни, но мы должны понимать, что это серьезный политический вопрос. Есть общемировая тенденция по отказу от казни. Если Российская Федерация все-таки, дай бог, когда-нибудь вернет смертную казнь, тогда и нам надо будет вернуть, – выразил надежду Пургин. – Сейчас это выглядит провокационным, эпатажным шагом, и я это поддержать не могу. Пусть даже у судей есть такое право, я бы не стал им пользоваться в сегодняшней ситуации». 

«Дело в том, что смертный приговор играет на руку украинской прессе, которая пытается подать нас как царство беззакония, как Мордор, как государство 1937 года, где тысячи недовольных сидят по подвалам, их всех мучают. Киевские пропагандистские ресурсы на порядок качественнее, чем наши. Они действуют очень грамотно, их подогревают деньги Запада, – посетовал Пургин. – Если уж и вспоминать времена Сталина, то тогда были такие понятия, как вредительство и саботаж. Так вот такой приговор, пусть даже судьи и следуют букве закона, на мой взгляд, это вредительство. Устраивать сегодня казнь – это не ко времени». 

Пургин даже не считает, что глава республики Александр Захарченко должен помиловать осужденного. «Событие уже произошло. Украинская пропагандистская машина уже получила козырь против нас. Если завтра его помилуют, то это будет выглядеть, как будто мы уступили давлению Киева», – пояснил он газете ВЗГЛЯД. 

Текст: Юрий Зайнашев

The Supreme Court declared the first DNI issued a death sentence. By the death sentenced member of the Cossack Union "Field of the Don", accused of killing two girls in Donetsk, as well as rape and banditry. Donetsk experts called the verdict a mistake - from a political point of view.

The proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) one person sentenced to capital punishment - the death penalty, said on Friday the Supreme Court judge the DNI, and. about. Chairman of the Tribunal of the Republic Lyudmila Strateychuk.

"To date, one such sentence has been imposed. There are cases that are pending, and they also provide for such punishment. This is the case of murder and espionage ", - said Strateychuk, reporting on the work of the tribunal.

"Donetsk news agency" later clarified that the first sentence of death appeared Yakubenko Anatoly, who is accused of banditry, murder, rape, and illegal acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition, hooliganism. With regard to his being investigated by several criminal cases. "These women had no relation to military service, or in any resistance associated with fighting" - quoted agency Strateychuk.

Cops and robbers

As I explained on Friday the "MK" in a gala evening on March 8 last year Yakubenko shots from a pistol Stechkin killed two girls, Helen Lena Leshchenko and Cousin - they were 23 years old. Their bodies were found in a field near the village of Larino - reported that they celebrated the feast of the Cossacks in the local cafe. When the Cossacks offered the girls make love and they refused, he began the massacre. Yakubenko shot at them several times - and made a shot in the head.

Case Yakubenko Supreme Court of the Republic began to consider the 13 October. Chief Justice Edward Jakubowski told the newspaper VIEW, Yakubenko that at one time was a member of an organization such as the Cossack Union "Field of the Don." "As a part of this organization arose gang. If part of the participants of the "Union" actually participated in the defense of the republic, these gangsters involved murder and other serious crimes. He performed the role assigned to it in this gang, personally committed two murders - and the women who had nothing to do with a gang, or a "ukram". In addition, it hides the traces of crime, "- he listed the head of the Supreme Court.

It is reported that 28-year-old Anatoly Yakubenko - born in Makeyevka. He graduated from Makeyevka mining school. He was convicted. Two years ago, I joined the "Don Army Field", directed by Ataman Yuriy Safonenko received callsign "Valuy". However, during the trial itself Yakubenko reported that filed a letter of resignation from the union even before the events described.

"Now the convict appealed in the order of supervision, so that the chance he still has. Now the other judges are studying the verdict and the case. the conclusion will be made whether or not the complaint is subject to the satisfaction. In addition, he has the opportunity to appeal to the head of the republic with a request for pardon "- recalled Jakubowski. He also denied rumors that the Tribunal considered the matter, rather than an ordinary civil court. "Lyudmila Strateychuk participated in the examination of the case as a judge of the Supreme Court, even without being a head of the Tribunal", - said the head of the court.

Earlier Strateychuk Ludmila worked in the Court of Appeal of Donetsk region. As reported by Ukrainian portal "News of Donbass" , in November the Supreme Council of Justice section on the appointment of judges and their dismissal from office recommended that the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine to dismiss her "for violation of the oath."

Recall that in the DNI actually operates the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR, 1961, allowing for the death penalty by firing squad. It was adopted in the country in August 2014. Execution does not apply to minors, persons who have reached 65 years of age at the time of sentencing, as well as women. Humanization of the Criminal Code of the authorities promised to do at the end of the conflict. In addition, the DNI martial law operates to this day.
"The requirement of the people - to stop criminal activities. To do this, you must take drastic measures, which would be based on the legal provisions ", - stated by Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Antyufeev ( was removed from the post in September 2014).

Human Rights Commissioner Daria Morozova DNI learned from a reporter of the newspaper LOOK about the death penalty, do not believe the message and called him "a fake."

Kiev received a "trump card against us"

Former Speaker of Parliament DNI, the founder of the movement "Donetsk Republic" Andrew Purgin considered erroneous decision of the judges from the political point of view.

"I myself am a supporter of the execution, but we must understand that this is a serious political issue. There is a global trend to phase out executions. If the Russian Federation is still, God forbid, ever return the death penalty, then we will have to return - hoped Purgin. - Now it looks provocative, outrageous step, and I cannot support. Even though the judges have such a right, I would not use it in the current situation. "

"The fact that the death penalty plays into the hands of the Ukrainian press, which is trying to apply have a lawless kingdom as Mordor, as a state in 1937, where thousands of disgruntled sitting in basements, all of them tortured. Kiev raising resources for order of magnitude better than ours. They work very well, they warmed money West - complained Purgin. - If so, and remember the days of Stalin, then there were such thing as sabotage and sabotage. So the sentence, even if the judges and follow the letter of the law, in my opinion, this is sabotage. Arrange penalty today - it's not the time. "

Purgin not even believe that the head of the republic Alexander Zakharchenko should pardon the convict. "The event has already happened. Ukrainian propaganda machine has already received a trump card against us. If tomorrow his pardon, it will look as if we yielded to the pressure of Kiev ", - he explained to the newspaper VIEW.

Text: Yuri Zaynashev

Убийца двух девушек, приговоренный к смертной казни в ДНР, может избежать смерти

Igor Petrov
The killer of two girls, who was sentenced to death in the DNI, can avoid death

Бывший военнослужащий казачьего союза «Область войска Донского» Анатолий Якубенко стал первым приговоренным в Донецкой республике к высшей мере наказания

8 марта прошлого года Якубенко пригласил двух своих знакомых девушек - Лину Кузину и Елену Лещенко отдохнуть на природе. Отпраздновать международный женский день предложил на природе, недалеко от поселка Ларино, что в пригороде Донецка.

Девушки согласились: Буденновский район, в котором жили обе 23-летние девушки, находится поблизости. Ехать всего-ничего. Почему бы и нет?

Изрядно выпив, мужчина предложил им заняться групповым сексом. Девушкам предложение не понравилось. Отказ так огорчил мужчину, что он, выхватив «Стечкин», застрелил обеих. После того, как обе упали на землю, он для верности сделал контрольные выстрелы в голову. Тела девушек впоследствии обнаружили в поле рядом с населенным пунктом Ларино, вскоре нашли и Якубенко. В декабре 2015 года его приговорили к смертной казни.

И все же он может ее избежать.

The former military Cossack Union "of the Don Host" Anatoly Yakubenko became the first country in the Donetsk sentenced to capital punishment

March 8 last year Yakubenko invited two of his friends girls - Lena Kuzina and Elena Leshchenko relax in nature. To celebrate International Women's Day, offered in nature, not far from the village of Larino, in a suburb of Donetsk.

The girls agreed: Budennovsk district in which they lived, both 23-year-old girl is nearby. Go all-nothing. Why not?

Pretty drunk, a man invited them to engage in group sex. The girls did not like the proposal. Failure of a man so upset that he, snatching "Stechkin", both shot. Once the two fell to the ground, to be sure, he did control shots to the head. The bodies of the girls later found in a field near the settlement Larino, and soon found Yakubenko. In December 2015 he was sentenced to death.

And yet he can avoid it.

- На сегодня смертный приговор не приведен в исполнение, в отношении осужденного расследуется еще несколько уголовных дел. К тому же Александр Захарченко может принять решение о помиловании, - сообщила и.о. председателя Военного Трибунала ДНР Людмила Стратейчук.

По ее словам, в отношении Якубенко приговором суда доказано совершение двух вышеозначенных убийств, хулиганство, незаконное приобретение и ношение оружия.

За особо тяжкие преступления в ДНР предусмотрена смертная казнь по ст. 58 УК. Казнь не применяется к несовершеннолетним, лицам, достигшим 65 лет на момент вынесения приговора, а также женщинам.

- Today, the death sentence is not carried out, the convicted person being investigated has several criminal cases. In addition, Alexander Zakharchenko may decide to pardon, - said Acting Chairman of the Military Tribunal DNI Lyudmila Strateychuk.

According to her, in respect Yakubenko court verdict proved the commission of the two above mentioned murders, hooliganism, illegal acquisition and carrying of weapons.

For the most serious pre Article upleniya DNI in the death penalty under Art. 58 of the Criminal Code. Execution does not apply to minors, persons who have reached 65 years of age at the time of sentencing, as well as women.


Рассмотрение уголовного дела по обвинению военнослужащего «Области Войска Донского»
The trial of accused soldier " of the Don Host "


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