Flag of Novorossiya

Flag of Novorossiya

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


            On 14 September 2015, there was a war banner ceremony at the newly established Donetsk Higher Military Command School. Zakharchenko addressed the new students, and congratulated them by saying they will be the officers to lead the DPR Armed Forces and resolve all conflicts. Mikhail Tikhonov is the head of the school.

Nearly 300 of first-year students of Donetsk Home Affairs Academy swore allegiance to the people of the Republic. (30 January 2016)


Donetsk Military Command School marks its first anniversary.


4 September 2016:
142 first-year cadets from the #Donetsk military commander academy are taking the Oath in presence of top officers of the #DPR Ministry of Defence, PMs.
It is the second course of the academy which was established one year ago for educating operational commanders for the Republics’ army.


OATH lyceum students in the Donetsk military lyceum BOARDING

Published on Sep 1, 2015
Более двухсот учащихся Донецкого республиканского военного лицея присягнули сегодня на верность народу ДНР, дав клятву лицеиста. сего в мероприятии приняло участие 205 человек под руководством начальника лицея подполковника Владимира Тарасова.

Среди приглашенных на празднике побывали священнослужители и представители Донецкого Высшего общевойскового командного училища. После официальной присяги участники мероприятия провели митинг и возложили цветы к памятнику погибшим выпускникам лицея.

На плацу лицея прошел торжественный марш, а для новобранцев организован первый урок мужества.

Присяга представляет собой официальное и торжественное обещание (клятва) при поступлении на военную или иную службу, получении определенного статуса. Присяга всегда накладывает юридическую ответственность и принявший ее за невыполнение преследуется по закону.

More than two hundred students of Donetsk Republican Military Lyceum today swore allegiance to the people of the DNI , giving oath Lyceum . in this event was attended by 205 people led by the Chief of the Lyceum of Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Tarasov .

Among the guests at the festival visited the clergy and representatives of the Donetsk Higher Military Command School . After the official oath of participants of the event held a meeting and laid flowers at the monument to the dead high school graduates.

On the parade ground of the Lyceum was a solemn march, and the first lesson of courage organized for new recruits .

The oath is a formal and solemn promise ( oath ) when entering the military or other service , obtaining a certain status . Oath always imposes legal responsibility and take her for failing to be prosecuted.


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