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Sunday, May 8, 2016



WWII Clip Featuring Crimea's 'Cute' Prosecutor Poklonskaya Goes Viral
15:15 08.05.2016

Natalia Poklonskaya appeared in a Second World War-related Internet video clip; it has already attracted more than 1.5 million views.

Crimea's young, fresh-faced General Prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya stars in a new Internet video tribute to those who served during World War II; it has already been seen by 1.5 million viewers, RIA Novosti reported.

It was Poklonskaya herself who floated the idea of the clip, which was published on her personal YouTube channel earlier this week, according to RIA Novosti.

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya during the celebration of Victory Day in Simferopol.

Наталья Поклонская. От героев былых времён… (из к/ф «Офицеры»)
Natalia Poklonskaya . From the heroes of bygone days ... ( from the k / f "Officers" )
В преддверии Праздника 9 Мая был записан видеоклип на песню «От героев былых времён…» («Вечный огонь») из к/ф «Офицеры», посвящённый Дню Великой Победы. Идея создания видеоклипа принадлежит прокурору Республики Крым Наталье Поклонской.

В записи песни и съёмках клипа принимали участие: прокурор Республики Крым Наталья Поклонская, сотрудники прокуратуры Республики Крым, Управления Федеральной службы судебных приставов по Республике Крым, Управления ФСБ по Республике Крым и г.
On the eve of the Feast of May 9 was recorded a video clip for the song " From the heroes of bygone days ... " ( "Eternal Flame" ) from the k / f "Officers" , dedicated to the Day of the Great Victory . The idea of ​​creating a video belongs to the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya.
Recorded songs and video shooting participated: Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya , prosecutors of the Republic of Crimea , the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Republic of Crimea , the FSB Department for the Republic of Crimea and the city.

Севастополю, ветераны Великой Отечественной войны, военнослужащие Национальной гвардии, а также творческий коллектив «Маленькие прокуроры» и студенты Крымского юридического института (филиала) Академии Генеральной прокуратуры Российской Федерации. Съёмочными площадками стали мемориальный комплекс на месте концлагеря «Красный» под г. Симферополем и памятник морякам-десантникам под г. Евпаторией.
Sevastopol , Great Patriotic War veterans , servicemen of the National Guard , as well as the creative team of "Little prosecutors " and students of the Crimean Law Institute ( branch ) of the Academy of General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation . Film set became a memorial complex on the site of the concentration camp "Red" at Simferopol and the monument to the sailors-paratroopers near the town of Yevpatoria.

The video features the song 'From Heroes of Yore', from the popular Soviet-era film 'Officers'. Poklonskaya is seen visiting a WWII memorial together with her 11-year-old daughter.

The clip also starred employees of the Crimean Prosecutor's Office, the Federal Security Service's department for Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as WWII veterans and National Guard servicemen.

The video was shot at a memorial complex located on the site of a Nazi concentration camp near the town of Simferopol, and at the Sailors-Paratroopers Monument on the outskirts of the resort of Yevpatoria. 

Natalia Poklonskaya in Japanese Anime.

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